Overhead view: nude photography

This collection of fine art nude photography depicts the feminine form from the unusual perspective of looking straight down from overhead. This theme includes the 100-image Vantage Overhead photo book, as well as limited edition archival photographs in a variety of sizes.

View the Vantage Overhead photo book Kickstarter.

An overhead perspective presents the viewer with a visual mismatch: a flat, straight-down view from an angle that we rarely see. This distinct viewpoint can create the appearance of weightless or floating figures. With the camera angle fixed, as well as all elements on the same plane, the compositional effort shifts more heavily into the arrangement of objects. These compositions lack the context of a horizon, sky, walls, or and vertical structure. Hovering above the figures also convey a sense of closeness.

The overhead vantage allows for stylized presentations that can include unusual displays of the feminine form. The unusual top-down perspective gives the viewer feeling of a narrative rather than any kind of personal interaction with the subject.

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