Medium Format

Although some may think format refers to the size of a resulting fine art print, terms like 35mm, medium format, and large format photography refer to the camera used to initiate the process.

A medium format camera, whether film or digital, has a larger film or sensor size than a standard “full frame” (or 35mm) camera. Aaron Knight has used medium format cameras that include the Hasselblad 500 cm to create 6×6 cm film negatives and Mamiya RZ and AFD cameras along with a 40x54mm sensor size. These cameras use a sensor that is about two-and-a-half times the size as a professional DSLR.

In addition to a higher resolution, this larger sensor size has several other technological advantages to give the photographer more creative options. The lenses for these cameras also tend to be a grade above what a typical professional might choose.

Bulkier and slower to operate, the artist using a medium-format camera is more deliberate and contemplative than when shooting rapid-fire. In this way, the nature of the creative process is different.

Medium format images have long been admired for their more aesthetically pleasing depth-of-field, beautiful colors, and reduced distortion. Take a look and decide for yourself if you can see the difference!

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